
Made up of a series of simply breathtaking waterfalls, the Than Prawet waterfall is truly a beauty to behold. This cascading beauty is the ultimate hitchhiker’s dream as the journey to the location itself is bound to be quite an adventure for the thrill seekers. One must make it a point to reserve a one of the renowned Koh Phangan hotels prior to visiting this place and one of the most renowned Koh Phangan resorts located within the area is Rasananda Koh Phangan Villa Resort & Spa which is known for its abounding generosity and hospitality that it bestows upon its visitors.

Numerous independently flowing waterfalls flow on to one another to create one spectacular cascade while the surrounding luscious verdure and the beautifully formed boulders create the perfect backdrop for the fall. Emanating a truly enchanting aura, this is the ideal place to have a quiet picnic just soaking in the birdsong and the tinkling murmuring of the gracefully flowing water heard in abundance at this spot.